Image of a recently cleaned living room in Frisco Texas with light wood floors, a grey rug in front of the door, a wooden side table, some picture decorations on the wall in a grid layout, and an indoor plant sitting next to the side table.

XO Standard Clean

Ever find yourself with a huge to-do list, and not enough time? We get it. Sometimes it's hard to manage everything going on in life and still have time to keep your home tidy. We want to make sure you get the clean home you want at a reasonable price, so we created our Standard Clean package.

The ideal package for routine, recurring home maintenance. Homes new to the XO Clean experience undergo our comprehensive Deep Clean, so that recurring touch ups are all that's needed! After that first session, your cleaner will return on your preferred service schedule, whether that's weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Visit our checklist page for a detailed list of package services.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Book your next cleaning in just 60 seconds and
experience the XO Clean difference.

Picture of a a colorful living room which is clean and neat.